Days are long, so are lunches by the sea, mid morning turns to sunset and layers of salt mist dust your skin. Waves crest and crash against passing fishermen’s creaking wooden boats. She has escaped reality with her lover, taking to the sea where time moves like honey, the only indication of its passing being tangerine sunsets and flossy dawns.
Wrapping her salty locks in a scarf and slipping a crochet dress over her costume, she enjoys their fresh catch ~ drizzled with lemon, dusted with salt, picked apart with fingers in the late afternoon sun.
As the sun sets over the sea and dusk settles in, they moor at whatever coastline is closest. Walking hand-in-hand along pebbly shores, they are enveloped in their love, enamoured, oblivious to the world passing around them. Always touching, gazing, sharing secret smiles and glances, they will while away the evening hours at lively tavernas and Balearic beach bars until dawn rises.
As light turns the dark skies pink, you walk hand-in-hand down to flat rocks beside still waters, musing about the wonders you’ve seen and what is yet to come. Time is infinite, stretching as far as the horizon from the shore. Talk of the future and sharing of your past, as thousands have done before you. Love feels eternal and universal, and stretches over long days and longer lunches, everlasting swims in deep blue-green water – in those moments, it feels forever.
Oceans Of Love is the latest Resort collection from Spell, embodying intoxicating days of new love. Vibrant, romantic prints reflect the exhilaration of a lover's embrace and the romance of European sojourns. Introducing resort 23/24, with swim and over-swim silhouettes that nod cheekily to nostalgia, and sultry day to evening pieces that a lover’s getaway must.
Muse Camilla Christensen
Photography Jamie Green
Beauty Luciana Briedis
Styling Ash Bakos + Isabella Pennefather
Videography + Editor Isabel Botello + Kim Brown
Photography Assist Lahcen Mellal
Production Holly Lirosi + I like Ibiza Productions